Options Made Simple [Paperback] by Davin Clarke

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Options Made Simple: A Beginner’s Guide to Trading Options for Success [Paperback]

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Davin Clarke (Author), Jacqueline Clarke (Author)

The sixth book in the Wrightbooks Made Simple series, Options Made Simple is an uncomplicated guide to trading options for beginners. This book outlines some simple, easy to understand strategies anyone can use to start trading options. The book will be a succinct paperback with lower price point, and provide the perfect first step into trading options.
An option is a binding contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specific price on or before a certain date, it has strictly defined terms and properties.

Options are very versatile and allow you to change your position according to the situation, they can be speculative or conservative depending on your trading strategy, but the risk can be mitigated by having a firm basic understanding.

The Made Simple series is the perfect vehicle for this content as readers are taken step-by-step through everything they need to know about trading options, including what can go wrong! and can work out which strategies they are most comfortable with.

[simpletabs style=”1″] [simpletab title=”Details”]
  • Paperback: 208 pages
  • Authors: Davin Clarke & Jacqueline Clarke
  • Publisher: Wrightbooks; 1 edition (December 27, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0730376370
  • ISBN-13: 978-0730376378
[/simpletab] [simpletab title=”Table of Contents”]
  • About the authors vii
  • 1 What are options? 1
  • 2 Advantages and risks 15
  • 3 Types of options 29
  • 4 Option pricing 45
  • 5 The mechanics: how to buy, sell and exercise options 67
  • 6 Buying options: the scenarios 79
  • 7 Selling options: the scenarios 97
  • 8 Choosing your option strategy 115
  • 9 Strategies for buying call options 123
  • 10 Strategies for buying put options 137
  • 11 Strategies for selling covered call options 155
  • 12 Strategies for selling naked call options 175
  • 13 Strategies for selling put options 189
  • 14 Advanced strategies: using multiple option spreads 201
  • 15 Advanced strategies: straddles and strangles 221
  • Appendix 233
  • Glossary 237
  • Index 241
[/simpletab] [/simpletabs]

Davin Clarke is a well-known and highly successful private trader. He is a popular and sought-after speaker and has featured in several books, including The Wiley Trading Guide and 20 Most Common Trading Mistakes and How You Can Avoid Them.
In addition, Davin has co-founded the global CFD brokerage firm TD365, so his experience in the trading industry speaks for itself.

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Jacqueline Clarke is a qualified accountant and a trader of shares and derivatives. Together with Davin, Jacqueline manages their extensive trading business.

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Options Made Simple [Paperback]

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